Yachats (yah-hahts) is a fresh take on YachtZ for the iPhone and iPad. No cartoon characters or gimmicks, just great gameplay. Gorgeous ray-traced dice, cool animation, subtle sounds & music mean you’ll never get distracted (or bored) by a flashy interface. It’s simple, it’s clean, it’s Yachats.
- A universal app for iPhone/iTouch and iPad
- Single screen gameplay, no scrolling or menus to choose your score
- Ray-traced dice images & roll animation - choose anytime from metal, wood or stone dice
- Solo and two-player modes
- Fully resumable
- Scorecard for at-a-glance game stats + Hall of Fame shows best scores ever.
- Plays great over your iTunes soundtrack
- Scoring follows US standard rules, including Yachats bonus & wildcard scoring
I'm addicted, so much fun to play…..Thank God for yachats.. Great app design of classic game...
(genuine AppStore Reviews)